Six months after the technological agreement signed between Rigdon and TRM, the first machines have been submitted to the acceptance tests at the factory in Ala in the northern part of Italy, it is in these hilly areas surrounded by vineyards that the machines produced by TRM come to life before being sent all over the world.
The test performed on the brand new Eagle Truck 3000, which structure impressed the visitors at the last Autopromotec fair held in Bologna, has achieved a result above the expectation and project target.
During the wet commissioning, the machine stopped the stopwatch just above the three minutes for a full automatic bead to bead buffing cycle, a record in the retreading industry.
Both machines have already reached their final destination in Gunzburg, Bavaria on the banks of the Donau River, the first step of a breakthrough in the retreading process.
RIGDON GmbH, headquartered in Günzburg/Bavaria, is the synonymous of top quality products “Made in Germany” in addition to traditional truck tires, the extensive and innovative RIGDON pro-duct range includes retreading products for trucks, construction vehicles, earthmovers, and cranes, with an emphasis on top quality hot cure and precure retreading processes.
TRM is based in the province of Trento (Italy), the company is specialized in the development and manufacturing of machines and production lines for the retreading of passenger car, truck, OTR and aircraft tires.